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Yoga Practice

Fundamentals of Inversions

Deconstructing Arm Balances

Do you struggle with wrist, shoulder and neck pain when performing the most fundamental of arm based postures?

  • Learn the fundamentals of strength for the upper body (peripheral core), the central core and the glutes to help with your arm balances.

  • Learn from the most basic of arm balance (table top, plank, down dog) to crow, handstands and forearm balances

  • Or simply fine tune your skills. Maybe discover why your wrists, shoulders and neck hurt when doing arm balances.

  • Finally conquer why you still can't get up in Crow---Hint: It's not your central core preventing you.

  • It's the inability to activate the upper body (peripheral core) properly. Without a strong and stable foundation to move upon, your body will not allow you to get up

Day: TBD

Time: 1:30-4:30pm 


Space is limited to in-studio to 5 people. Zoom is available

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